Monday, June 12, 2006

Kindred Spirits

Sometimes you meet a kindred spirit, seeming to know you, understand you and feel you. It makes one alive, knowing that one’s existence is validated by another soul, so much alike one’s own. It is such a fulfilling emotion, feeling that person’s soul, touching the other’s spirit, knowing that whatever experiences in the past, and whatever possibilities in the future, things will be the same, the soul and spirit will be aligned, will be in tune, dancing to the same harmony.

Here are some ramblings inspired by my kindred spirit…

“I’ve met a kindred spirit. But he’s restless as I am, trying to find answers. I’m afraid to immerse myself into this emotional abyss. I might fall deeply that I can’t resurface. Lucky are those who can find kindred souls, and be forever consumed by the desire to remain in a state of hopeless abandon.”

“As the barge bid goodbye to the warm sand, and embraced the soothing waves. I did the same. I said farewell to a mundane and trivial emotion, and embraced the intensity of another being’s spirit. And as the barge sailed, the wind completely washed off the stains of the past, and whispered hopes for the future.”

(date and place withheld)

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