Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ice Castles

They say that you can't forget your firsts -- first love, first heartbreak, first experience.

Tonight, I am watching again my very first favorite movie, Ice Castles. I was about 4 years old when I first watched it. And I fell in love with the movie, with Lexie, the ice skater.

My parents tell me that I know the story by heart, and I can tell it to friends and cousins.

In this sports melodrama that boldly illustrates the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, Lynn-Holly Johnson plays Iowa farm girl Alexis Winston, who has a God-given talent for ice skating.

With the encouragement and training of the local ice-skating rink operator Beulah Smith (Colleen Dewhurst), she manages to win the first prize trophy at a regional ice-skating competition. At the competition, she is spotted by Olympic coach Deborah Machland (Jennifer Warren), who promotes her as an underdog competitor, and she skyrockets to fame.

Her career is going like gangbusters, until she is blinded in a freak accident. But with the help of her caring boyfriend Nick (Robby Benson) and her encouraging father Marcus (Tom Skerritt), she overcomes her depression just in time to prove herself at a major competition.

After 30 years, I am watching the movie again. This time, with new perspectives and interpretations. But still with the same enthusiasm that I had when I was a little girl.

10:05 pm
25 January 2009
Fairview, QC

Monday, January 19, 2009


I've been doing a marathon. Not the running kind. A Grey's Anatomy marathon. I've been staying up very late trying to finish 2 seasons of this series. And not only did I get headaches and eyebags, I found some really surprisingly relevant nuggets of wisdom from Meredith.

"The most miserable people are those who don’t know what they want."

"It’s shocking how many kinds of addiction there are. It would be easy if it was just booze or drugs or cigarette.

The hardest part of kicking a habit, is wanting to kick it. We get addicted for a reason. Too often, things that start out as normal part of your life, at some point, cross the line to being obsessive, compulsive, and out-of-control. Because it’s the high we’re chasing. The high that makes everything else fade away.

The thing with addiction is that it never ends well. Because eventually, whatever it is that was getting us high, stops feeling good. Then it starts to hurt. They say you don’t kick the habit until you’re rock bottom. But how do you know you’re there? Because no matter how badly the thing is hurting use, sometimes, letting it go hurts even worse."

"We like to think that we are rational beings – humane, conscientious, civilized, thoughtful. But when things fall apart, even just a little, it becomes clear – we’re no better than animals. We have opposable thumbs, we think, we walk erect, we speak, we dream. But deep down, there is a little animal in all of us. And maybe that’s something to celebrate. Our animal instinct is what makes us see comfort, or a pack to run with. We may feel caged, we may feel trapped. But still as humans, we can find ways to feel free. We are each other’s keeper. We are the guardians of our own humanity. And even though there’s a beast in all of us, what sets us apart from the animals is that we can think, feel, dream and love. And against all odds, against all instincts, we evolve."

"You know what’s better than sex? Anticipation."

"Don’t lick your wounds, celebrate them. The scars you bear are the signs of a competitor. You are in a lion fight. Just because you didn’t win doesn’t mean you don’t know how to roar."

"Reality... it's much more interesting than living happily ever after."

6:30 pm
19 January 2009

Friday, January 09, 2009


* more of those free-writing exercises *

"Crazy" is one of those words which I can say in different languages and dialects

Crazy. Baliw. Bagtit. Murit. Buang. Gila. Loco. Maluco.

Last night (Thurs) was one of those over crazy nights. 6 gila people gathered together for dinner and social drinks (which turned out to be all-nighter a.k.a pamorningan).

Each one had her/his own baliw moment. Each one imposed her/his own bagtit view on another.

It was totally murit! Gila pandemonium! A buang circus!

After 6 bottles of wine, 1 bottle of Bailey's and bottles of San Mig Light, we went home before the crack of dawn -- reeking with alcohol, eyebags and dark circle around the eyes visible, but with a loco grin in our faces.

I love having crazy nights with my crazy friends!

09 January 2009
Fairview (once more)

Thursday, January 01, 2009


* another free writing exercise *

Inspired by an entry of a fellow photo-enthusiast, this entry is dedicated to very special people in my heart. They might not have realized that they made a rather large dent in my life. But to them, I owe what I am today -- with all my flaws and achievements, my imperfections and my strengths.

To my nephrologist (whom I fondly call Mommy Doc)...
She is the gentle yet firm voice I hear every month, urging me to religiously take my meds and keep healthy. To her I owe how I feel today. She was my second mother, making sure that I stick to her medical advise, and yet I still feel her respect for me as a person. Salamat, Doc.

To my cousin...
I know that he is one of my biggest fan in terms of photography. I feel that even if he doesn't tell me. He gives me opportunities for photo shoots even in the most impossible situations. You inspire me to do better. Salamat, pinsan.

To a fellow photo enthusiast...
He reminded me of the true meaning of passion and commitment. That even if a task seems impossible to do, one's dedication can move mountains. He is not only a talented photographer, but is an excellent model for all inspiring photo-enthusiast. Isa kang tunay na litratista. Saludo ako sa iyo, kuya.

To a Malaysian blogger and publisher...
He is a visionary. And he not only pushed himself to realize his own dreams, but he made other people's dreams become a reality. Thank you for believing in what I can do. Thank you for recognizing my talent. Terimah kasih!

To a very dignified and accomplished man...
You made me see things in a different light. You inspired me in ways you would not have thought possible. You made me smile again, reminding me of my youth, and the endless possibilities life can offer. You made me warm, and fuzzy, and happy, and giddy and giggly. Thank you for giving me back this amazing feeling -- something that I thought I didn't have anymore. Thank you very much, sir.

To a great artist...
You are my idol. You make me want to become a true visual artist. Thank you for being nice and accommodating. Thank you for your very subtle ways of pushing me to learn. Salamat. Idol talaga kita.

To a strong woman, a TV series character...
Thank you for showing me what could happen in the future. Thank you for mouthing the words that have long been inside my head. Thank you for saying that, "The people who suffer most are the ones that do not know what they want."

2008 has been an amazing year. Not all five-hundred-twentyfive-thousand-six-hunded-minutes were perfect. But 2008 surely gave me five-hundred-twentyfive-thousand-six-hunded-minutes of moments I would cherish.

2008 gave a lot of challenges, but it threw in far more amazing gifts.

In 2008, I was forced to climb a mountain, but the pain was all worth it when I saw the view from the top.

In 2008, I got thrown in a river, but this was when I finally saw my reflection.

In 2008, I was in the middle of a storm, but I was protected by the "eye", and came through unscathed.

2008 was truly an amazing year. And I know that 2009 will be better, more special, really spectacular.

2009 is another chance for us to get things right.

Here's a toast to new beginnings!

Here's a toast to living life on superlative!

Here's to "lundagin mo, baby!" Yebah! :)

10:40 pm
01 January 2008
Santiago City