Thursday, December 16, 2010


(free writing)

*this is my wish for 2 good friends who are about to tie the knot*

again, congratulations to the both of you! i am so glad i am here now, making this wish for you.

flashback to 2 years ago... things were very different.

it was in December 2008 when they were introduced... Henry's Grill in Teacher's Village. then next in Trellis Resto also in Teacher's Village.

it was in Trellis that i felt that there was sumthin sumthin between them. she was fidgety and he was more than friendly. hmmm...

when he left, i remember her saying... "How nice it would be to hug someone". i thought... yun na yun!

then he became more visible in our gimicks and activities, after having been almost unreachable for 2 years!

he started giving out home-made yoghurts...

we are suddenly invited to a lot of dinners and coffees and shoots...

they suddenly both had suncellular phones...

we were like watching a telenovela unfold right before our eyes... over pasta and adobo... over wine and cheese... over beer and sisig.

she used to tell me that she is afraid to jump (into the relationship). she cannot simply follow her mentor's advice to "Lundagin mo, baby". she said that she's afraid to jump, because there might be no one to catch her when she falls.

you should not be afraid now. you can jump as high as you can, with eyes closed or with eyes wide open. you don't have to look for someone to catch you. because now, you both have each other, to hold hands, while going for the jump.

so for you both...

May you experience passion beyond your wildest imagination.

May you continue to find love for each other in places that astound you.

May you go barefoot more than you wear shoes.

May you laugh harder than you cry.

May you discover more happy corners together.

May you never, ever stop dreaming... loving.. jumping.

congratulations again!

jump!... lagto!... lumpat!... lundag!

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